Snake Plate U-turn Berm Bar

Snake Plate U-turn Berm Bar

This is the non-U-turn part of the Snake Plate U-turn Berm which has been on the track for months, but not yet glued in place. Big Brother has just discovered this problem, and is inspecting now.


  • 2019 Feb 26: Mr McGlue glued it into place.

2019 feb 26 glued u-turn berm bar

  • 2019 Jan 30: Big Brother realizes it needs to be glued

snake plate u turn berm bar dropped the ball 2019 jan

  • 2019 Jan 25?: failed to keep large orange marble on the long track after Snake Plate U-Turn
  • 2019 Jan: not yet glued in place
  • 2018: Put in place as part of the Snake Plate U-turn before it was even named.
Snake Plate U-turn Berm Bar made by: